Extrait de la préface
rédigée par le professeur Alexandre Leymerie pour son ouvrage : « Statistique géologique et
minéralogique du département de l’Aube » publié en 1846.
Toutes les courses qu’exigeait l’exécution d’un plan aussi
détaillé ont été faites à pied par moi-même. Cependant j’ai été aidé pour
quelques parties de mes observations, et notamment pour celles relatives à la
craie par mon élève et ami M. Cottet, que ses connaissances étendues, une
sagacité remarquable et quelque temps d’exercice sous ma direction, rendaient
très capable de rendre ce service à la géologie départementale…Chacun sait à
Troyes que M. Cottet n’était, dans l’origine, qu’un simple ouvrier tisserand
qui est devenu, presque par ses seules forces, assez instruit dans les sciences
physiques et mathématiques pour être chargé, après mon départ de Troyes, du
cours de géométrie et mécaniques industrielles, et plus tard de la classe des
sciences à l’école normale primaire. On connait d’ailleurs les services qu’il a
rendus comme comme conservateur du cabinet d’histoire naturelle. On lui doit
quelques notices géologiques qui annoncent un tact et un talent d’observation
peu communs. La manière dont ces notes sont rédigées prouve que M. Cottet avait
senti la nécessité d’étudier sa langue. Il donna du reste une preuve plus
éclatante de ses progrès dans cette voie, en concourant pour le prix destiné à
récompenser un Eloge de M. Jourdan, et peu s’en est fallu que son ouvrage ne
remportât la couronne.
Extract from the preface written by Professor Alexandre Leymerie for his
work: "Geological and mineralogical statistics of the department of
Aube" published in 1846.
All of the travels required to complete such a detailed plan was done on foot by myself. However I was helped for some parts of my observations, and in particular for those relating to the chalk by my pupil and friend M. Cottet, that his wide knowledge, remarkable sagacity and some time of exercise under my direction, made very capable of rendering this service to departmental geology… Everyone knows in Troyes that Mr. Cottet was, at the beginning, only a simple weaver worker who became, almost by his own strength, fairly educated in the physical sciences and mathematics to be responsible, after my departure from Troyes, for the course in geometry and industrial mechanics, and later for the science class at the primary normal school. We know of the services he rendered as curator of the cabinet of natural history in Troyes museum. We owe him a few geological notices which announce an unusual tact and talent for observation. The way these notes are written shows that Mr. Cottet felt the need to study his language. He moreover gave more striking proof of his progress in this direction, by competing for the prize intended to reward an “Eulogy of M. Jourdan”, and little did not happen that his work did not win the first price.
All of the travels required to complete such a detailed plan was done on foot by myself. However I was helped for some parts of my observations, and in particular for those relating to the chalk by my pupil and friend M. Cottet, that his wide knowledge, remarkable sagacity and some time of exercise under my direction, made very capable of rendering this service to departmental geology… Everyone knows in Troyes that Mr. Cottet was, at the beginning, only a simple weaver worker who became, almost by his own strength, fairly educated in the physical sciences and mathematics to be responsible, after my departure from Troyes, for the course in geometry and industrial mechanics, and later for the science class at the primary normal school. We know of the services he rendered as curator of the cabinet of natural history in Troyes museum. We owe him a few geological notices which announce an unusual tact and talent for observation. The way these notes are written shows that Mr. Cottet felt the need to study his language. He moreover gave more striking proof of his progress in this direction, by competing for the prize intended to reward an “Eulogy of M. Jourdan”, and little did not happen that his work did not win the first price.