Homme politique, érudit, philanthrope
Troyes 28 novembre 1796, Montier-en-Der 29 octobre 1870
Fils d’un apothicaire, il est pharmacien rue Notre-Dame à Troyes
jusqu’en 1834. Très proche de son cousin germain François-Joseph Audiffred, il laisse le
souvenir d’un célibataire, bourgeois aisé et généreux. Esprit de caractère
indépendant, catholique progressiste, dévoué au bien général. Philanthrope,
humaniste, homme des lumières, il étudie de multiples sujets : lutte
contre la pauvreté, agriculture, médecine, éducation populaire, économie,
statistique. Il participe à de
nombreux comités et associations pour
concrétiser ses engagements : Comité de propagation de l’enseignement
mutuel, conseils de salubrité publique, création des salles d’asile et des
cours d’adultes…
Membre actif de la
société académique de l’Aube de 1820 à 1850, il y présente de nombreuses communications. Conseiller
municipal de Troyes, conseiller général, libéral puis républicain modéré, il
est élu député en 1848, ses votes témoignent de sa liberté de pensée et le
rendent inclassable : il vote pour les poursuites contre Louis Blanc,
contre l’abolition de la peine de mort, contre le droit au travail, mais est contre l’interdiction des clubs, pour la
mise en liberté des transportés. Il soutient la candidature du général
Cavaignac et s’oppose au Président de la République, futur Napoléon III dont il
demande la mise en examen. Contesté également par la gauche radicale pour son
soutien à la répression ouvrière en juin 1848, il quitte la vie politique en
1849, et partage sa vie entre Montier-en-Der et Paris. Il lègue à Troyes 4 000
francs pour récompenser des travaux contribuant à améliorer la situation de la
population ouvrière et il donne à Montier en Der sa bibliothèque
Ces deux villes honoreront sa mémoire, en attribuant son nom
à une rue.
Politician, scholar, philanthropist
Troyes November 28, 1796, Montier-en-Der October 29, 1870
Son of an apothecary, he is a pharmacist Notre Dame in Troyes until 1834. Very close to his cousin Francois Joseph Audiffred, he leaves the memory of a bachelor, wealthy and generous bourgeois. Spirit of independence, progressive Catholic, devoted to the general good. Philanthropist, humanist, man of enlightenment, he studied many subjects: the fight against poverty, agriculture, medicine, popular education, economics, statistics. He participated in numerous committees and associations to implement its commitments : propagation Committee peer education, public health advice, creation of asylum facilities and courses for adults ...
Active member of the aSociété académique de l'Aube from 1820 to 1850, he presents many communications. Councilman Troyes, general counsel, liberal and moderate Republican, he was elected in 1848, his votes reflect his freedom of thought and make him unclassifiable: he votes for prosecution against Louis Blanc, against the abolition of capital punishment death, against the right to work, but he is against the ban on clubs and in favor of the release of "transported" people. IHe supports the candidacy of General Cavaignac and opposes the President of the Republic, the future Napoleon III which he calls for the examination. Also challenged by the radical left for his support of the labor repression in June 1848, he left politics in 1849, and divides his time between Montier-en-Der and Paris. He bequeathed to Troyes 4000 francs to reward work helping to improve the situation of the working population and it gives Montier en Der his encyclopedic library.
Both cities will honor his memory by giving his name to a street.
Politician, scholar, philanthropist
Troyes November 28, 1796, Montier-en-Der October 29, 1870
Son of an apothecary, he is a pharmacist Notre Dame in Troyes until 1834. Very close to his cousin Francois Joseph Audiffred, he leaves the memory of a bachelor, wealthy and generous bourgeois. Spirit of independence, progressive Catholic, devoted to the general good. Philanthropist, humanist, man of enlightenment, he studied many subjects: the fight against poverty, agriculture, medicine, popular education, economics, statistics. He participated in numerous committees and associations to implement its commitments : propagation Committee peer education, public health advice, creation of asylum facilities and courses for adults ...
Active member of the aSociété académique de l'Aube from 1820 to 1850, he presents many communications. Councilman Troyes, general counsel, liberal and moderate Republican, he was elected in 1848, his votes reflect his freedom of thought and make him unclassifiable: he votes for prosecution against Louis Blanc, against the abolition of capital punishment death, against the right to work, but he is against the ban on clubs and in favor of the release of "transported" people. IHe supports the candidacy of General Cavaignac and opposes the President of the Republic, the future Napoleon III which he calls for the examination. Also challenged by the radical left for his support of the labor repression in June 1848, he left politics in 1849, and divides his time between Montier-en-Der and Paris. He bequeathed to Troyes 4000 francs to reward work helping to improve the situation of the working population and it gives Montier en Der his encyclopedic library.
Both cities will honor his memory by giving his name to a street.
1 commentaire:
Un humaniste complet , homme de convictions et on d'appareils. Aujourd'hui, ça fait rêver ..
Bonnes fêtes de Pâques !
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