dimanche 25 mai 2008

Square de la Préfecture, Eglise Saint-Urbain

Le square est en cours de réaménagement après la construction du parking souterrain.

The public garden will be soon open after some years of heavy work for the buiding of a big underground car park. The statue has been removed, nowadays it is in front of the City hall near the street Emile Zola.

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

I have seen this kind of houses in Brussels and in Riga.
It`s fine, that some of those old houses are left.

Louis la Vache a dit…

When "Louis" lived in France, he visited Troyes. "Louis" was happy to see these photos of those fine half-timbered homes Troyes is famous for.

"Louis" thanks you for visiting his not-so-yellow Submarine!

Anonyme a dit…
