mardi 26 mai 2009

S pour statues, exposition "le beau 16ème siècle"


ABC wednesday, this week dedicated to the letter S.
S for statues, sculpture.
Troyes shows almost one hundred statues in the church Saint-Jean until the 25th october. A good opportunity to come and see this town.

click to enlarge

S, comme statues et sculpture. Une exposition remarquable présente dans l'église Saint-Jean au marché de Troyes des chefs d'oeuvre de la sculpture champenoise au 16ème siècle.

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5 commentaires:

Rune Eide a dit…

An enormous amount of statues - it must have taken quite a bit of time to make them. And some of them looked very well looked after as well - including what looked like a not too old rope.

Q a dit…

I love looking at statues. I love the symbolism.

Joy a dit…

What a lot of statues. I love the spotted horse.

Tumblewords: a dit…

Special statues, for sure - these are beautiful!

clementine a dit…

Très belle exposition, deux fois en 1 mois déjà, et j'y retournerai.