samedi 4 octobre 2008

Fleurs de coton - Hôtel de Mauroy

Un jardin médiéval a été aménagé dans la cour intérieure de l'Hôtel de Mauroy (Musée de l'Outil et de la Pensée ouvrière).

En fin de saison, quelques fleurs de coton.

A medieval garden has been set into the inside yard of the "Hôtel de Mauroy" (Museum; for tools and workers skill and thoughts).

Some cotton flowers some days ago.
D'autres fleurs du jour, more Today's flower on

12 commentaires:

Laura ~Peach~ a dit…

love your sky watch photos and I love to see the cotton fields here they are just amazing! love your cotton photos!

Tom a dit…

I've never seen a cotton plant before... and with the mills we once had in our small town it is said we were built on cotton money.

Meiroca a dit…


Bergson a dit…

du coton par ici d'ici que les cueilleurs reprennent le jazz

dot a dit…

I've seen many cotton plants and I always love them. Yours is very pretty!

Inkivääri a dit…

So soft and white in natural - nice pic:)

Lizete Vicari a dit…

Lindas as flores de algodão!
Muito obrigada pelo se comentário!
Feliz Todays Flowers!
Um abraço. Lizete

Reader Wil a dit…

So these are "fleurs de cotton". In Australia I also saw the flowers before the cotton came out. Cést très interessant et joli.

Anonyme a dit…

Beautiful cotton balls!

Maria a dit…

Wow, the cotton looks great!

Maria a dit…

First time I see them ... Great capture!

♥ Denise BC ♥ a dit…

Hi, Deslilas
Very interesting and beautiful, congratulations on choice. I thank you for participating in our virtual flowers.
hugs, Denise & Santilli - Today's Flowers Team